Wednesday, September 10, 2008

BQI spectacular

I'll write a separate post detailing the shorting into weakness experiment- but the results alone from BQI make me believe that this is a concept worth following, at least in the current market conditions. BQI from my short watch list posted last night:

(Sep 10-09:39) johnnyvento: BQI under 3, dropping

(Sep 10-09:40) GS: BQI-super nice fall

(Sep 10-09:49) johnnyvento: BQI vol 2.7's 

(Sep 10-10:02) FortunateSon: BQI under 2

(Sep 10-10:03) johnnyvento: BQI spectacular

(Sep 10-10:03) Androo: BQi crazy, good one JV

(Sep 10-10:03) Laura: BQI nuts

(Sep 10-10:04) Laura: yes, BQI good  catch JV

BQI hit a lod of 1.68 before bouncing all the way back to 3 again. 


wnkender said...
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wnkender said...

Wow JV, I was in and out of class all day so I missed the chat alerts but this is excellent work. Keep it up!

Unknown said...

JV, keep up the good work! Your great to have around!

James Krieger said...

Nice play on BQI. I'm still working on my timing in regards to shorts but I think I'll get better.