If anyone out there knows how to get rid of nasty adware, please let me know. I've tried Prevx 2.0 (which I usually consider very good), Ad-Ware 2008, Norton, and AVG-antivirus, and nothing works. I'm a mac guy, I'm not used to this shit. This is why you should use macs. Unfortunately for me, I use Scottrade Elite (their 25k version) so I can use Trade Ideas, which I find very helpful. I run a Windows simulator in order to use Trade Ideas, which, unfortunately for me, acquires very
real viruses.
Please email me at johnnyvento@gmail.com
Thanks to the amazing kshelia, I used
Malwarebytes. I think I really dodged a bullet on this one. The whole day went by and no attacks (I was getting 1 or more every 5 min. yesterday). I was prepared to reinstall Windows which would have set me back several trading days. You rock kshelia! But we knew that already!
Johnny V get the program "hijackthis" use that w/ adaware. i also use the Zonealarm pro firewall... never had a problem w anything
U shouldn't have any issues w/spywares or adwares regardless of which platform u are using...!!!
MACs are just as susceptible to trojans..as PCs...
Anyways, don't want to get into a debate on which platform is better (to each his own)...
1) go here http://www.free-av.com/ and download the FREE version of AntiVir
2) Since you're emulating windows...u can't run it in safe mode...so just go install it and run the full scan...(should take approx 30-45 mins)
2) Go and download this modified host files...it contains a list of all known bad sites..and will add a 2nd layer of protection for your system
3) Go to opendns.com and use their FREE DNS servers..
Oh well.
I have a bad news for you. These days, once machine is infected, I doubt one can fix it by some anti spyare/virus software. [The adware/virus makes sure that newly installed software can't do anything.] A month ago, similar thing happened to my GF and I tried ALL anti virus software. None of it would work. After wasting 5 hours trying to fix it, I gave up and re-formatted the machine and installed new Windows. It should be easy for you to do the same because you are running emulator.
On another note, whenever you re-install Windows, install Firefox and only use that software to do your browsing. Do not, repeat, DO NOT install anything but your software. Also, install WIndows Defender (Anti spyware software from Microsoft) and you should be good.
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