Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day traders making a comeback in volatile markets

An interesting short read on


Walter Sobchak said...
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James Krieger said...

I get tried of the comparisons of day trading to gambling. Long-term investing is no different...just the hold times are different (months instead of hours). But nobody refers to "investing" as gambling...although investors are sure losing a lot of money these days

johnnyvento said...

yes, I agree. I thought the good thing about this article was that they were walking back that notion, at least tentatively. You will never get the MSM to fully retract conventional wisdom, but the fact that the article even EXISTS is proof that people are rethinking these idiotic labels. My prediction is stay tuned for more success stories from day traders while everyone else loses their shirt.

IL Torello said...

Investing's not the way to go anymore I think. I don't believe in that buy and hold strategy at all. Trading's the way to go for sure! Nice find JV.