Saturday, September 20, 2008

Watches Monday Sept. 22


WRSP gotta love it, ran huge in past, Friday almost straight up, possibly more to come. Could run huge again Monday, wouldn't be surprised.  Going to be an epic short either way.

NOVS haven't run the hard numbers but looking at the charts the last 4 days looks like one of the biggest percent gain in this stock's history... need I say more

MNKD you don't even need to look before 9/16... but if you do you'll see 8/7

SPF a TRO favorite... shows up in chat to talk about it even when it hasn't moved at all... this time it's relevant

VNBC big runup past few days.. no great insight, just think will fall

TRE/GBN/HTM huge bearish doji/hammer candles... big drops coming soon I believe... played TRE but will get back in Monday

HSWI still in, more down looks like

1 comment:

Mike with a Prius said...

I'm liking how SPF looks...

fyi, just found VNBC on the government-sponsored price, short selling ban list.