This list is only the most recent 500 visitors. I do have a few people in India and Australia that are return visitors. And it crosses the entire political spectrum from Halliburton to NPR in Washington D.C. to someone at Apple Computer! They must have visited by mistake. Hey can I get the
new laptop when it comes out?
I do wish I would get more hits from Iceland. Aren't you guys able to trade up there in Reykjavík?
Haha, Johnny, that is awesome, I didn't realize you track all this stuff. Someone at HAL's after you, huh? (that's odd, I reduce companies to their stock symbols these days)
About LCC and UAUA, agree completely...on the first big "rally" day I think they will be monsters. Probably DAL, too. Heck, just buy a random symbol on a rally day, ha.
The visitor up in the state of Washington is probably me
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