Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Daily Babe-o

Vanessa Ng


Charlie G. said...

On a unrelated note, concerning the stockfetcher calculator codes.

Can I put in multiple ticker symbols?

The codes work for the gap stat and average day range, but only the first symbol comes up with a result. I have put the symbols in with commas and just spaces. Thanks.

IL Torello said...

Nice trade there JV on BBX!

Walter Sobchak said...

Vento that your gf?

johnnyvento said...

you should be able to Charlie, try commas with no space in between symbols

Charlie G. said...

user error, can't figure it out, but the calculator codes only give me results for the first stock inputted (and the others are separated by commas). maybe its something with the html thing blogspot does to SF codes, though they work fine for one at a time!

now back to our regularly scheduled programming....

johnnyvento said...

it's working for me Charlie, email me at and let's figure it out