Saturday, December 6, 2008

Watches Monday Dec. 8


Lots of run ups but a few others...

LCC and all airlines on 4+ day run up, keep on short watch... these are good options plays also, will detail in future posts
OREX huge down, could be bad news so keep on watch ala CPE 
ATPG 88% down on $DJI red
PGI 1 day up, 1 day down... guess which day we are on
HRP look at what happens to the chart when it ends on high of day... where did it end Friday


SKM said...

Hey JV, Allen from AlleNation here..

Thanks for the watchlist, I really like how HRP acts after making a HoD, too bad I don't have any day trades since it really acts perfectly, I've gone 30 days back and it ended down on the day right after the day it made a HoD at the end...

If you were myself, would you ever open an uncovered short position on HRP?

Anonymous said...

How 'bout ones like OREX?

Up huge off low of days.. down after real bad news...most folks long these near eod and hold,thinking gapup at open..whoops,another lesson learned,odds way say going down quick from 3.51 close...shorted eod..take 'er down,watch,odds way in our favor..shorted at 3.47

These don't come along often...just another angle

johnnyvento said...

I agree ones like OREX.. may short in premarket if it looks to gap down